Friday, 30 August 2019

Antique slavery

Andrew Stepanenko
May 31, 2019 <>

Translated by Berenkova Violetta Michailovna

Scythians were Athenians’ slaves, and it was as so: Scythian armed groups patrolled cities of the Athenian Union and could arrest any townsman, even an aristocrat.
Jews were Egyptians’ slaves, but occupied the highest public positions, were perfectly armed, left Egypt, paying no attention to their owners, and during their campaign easily won other armies.
Circassians were the Ottomans’ slaves, but they commanded armies, the fleet and even the finance of the Empire. The appreciable part of sultans were Circassians on their mother’s side, that is, the supreme authority in the Empire was shifted on Circassian blood.
In Western Europe countries, the phenomenon of hereditary slavery of the highest state elite was not noted; it is typical only for its historical opponents.

An ordinary Roman commander easily captured to 100 thousand slaves. Considering the density of Europe population, in order to conquest 100 thousand slaves the commander should seek through 7400 sq. km territory. Caesar personally captured 10 million slaves, according to Plútarchos. This achievement nobody managed to repeat - owing to practical impracticability of the task.

It is considered that Slav-slaves were delivered to Europe and Asia since ancient times and on continuing basis. However, archeologists cannot find the most important evidence: traces. Each slave-trade path should have equipped watering places and covered parking for at least two hundred people, with the possibility to cook food, to relieve the guard and to do something with sick and dead people. 150 years of intensive excavation resulted in different findings - but nothing of the mentioned above. The traces of these transport corridors were found in Africa, but not in Russia.

Today we also documental facts. Genetics have definitely fixed the shift of men from Iran to Northern Black Sea Coast in the past. The DNA-analysis of the Afro-Americans’ blood gives an clear picture of dislocation of all progenitors (their absolute majority originate from Mali). The campaign of the Mongols to Europe has been absolutely disapproved, as the Mongolian genes are not present on any site of this hypothetical way. The export of Slav-slaves to the south of France or to Persia had to leave clear genetic traces, however they are not present – at all.
Slavic traces have been found in Turkey, but there Slavs were tightly incorporated in the government system. The bound was so strong, what even in 1839, according to Military Cartographical Department, local administrative units in Turkey were called “voivodlyk” - voivodeships. We will give a small scan.

…directly to pashas. There were often no voivodlyks in small musselimlyks.

Voivodlyk – is a district, sometimes large in territory, with a small town where its governor lived- voivoda. Seaside towns where ships were built had the voivodlyk rights and were called nazyrlyks. Their heads – nazyrs…


The CITATION: All arising trading-exchange activity was mostly carried out by slaves. As if they were free, slaves controlled the given property (Peculium), took and gave loans in money and natural products to other slaves. Being engaged in trade, acting as witnesses of different monetary operations, they were admitted as legal objects and subjects. The slave could not only pledge, purchase and sell property (including immovable one: houses and lands), but also could act as a pledgee of the property of free people and slaves. The slave could even be the guarantor of the owner when they took the joint loan.

A slave lived under the same law rules, as a free person. Give the word "slave" the meaning of "dealer", "manager", and the facts described above will become logical. Here is one vivid example.

Historical and etymological meaning of dispensation is money management. Pope Leo I used the term ‘dispensatio’ when he wrote about the Church administration he was entrusted with. However, in the history of Ancient Rome dispensator was a slave managing cash and accounts books, or a slave executing the order of a big financier. The word ‘dispensator’ has nothing that would specify one’s slavish position. Moreover, with every action - from the guarantee until pledge accepting – the dispensator acts as a free and influential person. Moreover, the dictionary shows the nearest in the meaning word as "procurator". Nevertheless, we must believe that everyone, named in the Roman annals as a dispensator, was automatically a slave.

Nevertheless, dependence existed in Ancient Rome – it was debt. The CITATION: “the creditor could also take the debtor as proof if the last one did not returned the loan. Therefore, the debtor worked for the creditor free of charge, keeping freedom. After working off the debt and interest on it such debtors lost any dependency on the creditor”.
The last fact is very important: it is the reason why there were so many "emancipated slaves" in Rome. People paid off their debts and continued to work for themselves.

Rome: “The possibility of acquisition of large pieces of land simultaneously as a result of assignment by creditors of the pledged land of bankrupt debtors testified to distribution of loans for land mortgages without the owner’s property confiscation (mortgage)”.

If the debtor was a peasant community, it obviously passed under external management together with the fixed capital (land) and could fulfil the debt only on that land (as is directly told, without its confiscation). The CITATION: “… the debtor worked on the creditor for free, keeping the freedom. After working off the debt and interest on it, such debtors lost any dependency on the creditor”.

It not mortgage in the modern meaning of the word; the mortgage assumes responsibility of the debtor for payments, and here payments are in hands of the creditor (the external managing director). The creditor’s failure of payments to himself, for example, for the purpose of assignment of the debtor’s calls into question the creditor’s position. "Slaves" in this scheme must eventually pay off their debt and receive the status of "emancipated slaves".

The antique economy is described in the terms of the ideas of the second half of 19 century. Speaking more concrete, most likely, meme about a slaveholding society appeared from incorrect translation of the terms “emcia”, “coemcia”.
Coemcia (Lat. coemptio, purchase). 1. Marriage form between plebeians when the wedding ceremony was accompanied by the symbolical purchase.
They write that this purchasing (emptio) was mutual: the husband buys the wife, and the wife buys the husband, that is, more likely the agreement with mutual pledge, rather than purchase and sale relations. In Catalonia it happened untill 1486: if the wife was unfaithful, part of her property was taken away (cugucia) by her husband, and the other part – by the seigneur, probably, as the notarial guarantor of the marriage contract observance.
Let us apply this understanding of the meaning of “emcia” and “coemcia” to the ancient Roman right, and the slaveholding system disappears, and the slave trade turns into usual medieval commendation.

Friend hupovoy sent direction to the book "Hire of services" by A.M.Guljaev, 1893 edition. Here is the citation.
"We have clear direction in the sources (Gaius) 15) that there was time when emptio and venditio, locatio and conductio were used promiscue: emptio meant not only purchasing, but sale as well; locatio and conductio were used indifferently, for designation of both parties’ actions which took part in that agreement".

Our concepts "purchase" and "sale" are obviously various, and the term emptio is applicable to both parties of the agreement. Ancient Rome specialists introduced for unclear Latin words those definitions that responded to the trade realities of 19 century, and mutual tribal guarantee turned into "human trading", and antique "slaves" began to dispose of banking capitals and to rule empires.

Here are only those definitions that concern our theme.
1) In decline period of the late Roman Empire commendation meant voluntary passing of separate people, and sometimes and even population of the whole community and their property under the patronage of "the most powerful people".
2) In the early Middle Ages in Western Europe it meant the agreement fixing the act of voluntary passing of a person under protection the more powerful person, who became his boss.

The first type of commendation - the act of acknowledgement by the vassal of the submission to the seigneur which followed by the oath of fidelity and granting of the vassal with beneficence or feod.
The second type - commendation of bankrupt free people to a large landowner. Commendation often meant material dependence: the subordinate person quite often became the holder of the land belonging to his boss.

All types of commendation are actually identical: the feudal law did not distinguish nobles from ordinary people, and ancient Roman commendation is not different from the medieval one. It is clear, when the creditor took control of the community and became their senior, he would demand from all the members of the community the oath of fidelity and personally acknowledge everyone’s right to work in that sector he/she was able to cope with.

There are four basic examples: slaves-janizaries, slaves-Mamelukes, slaves-Circassians, slaves-Scythians. All these slaves were always at the top of the power, and all were in the territory of the Eastern Roman Empire. In the Western Roman Empire it was not typical to name similar military castes as slaves, though in all cases the mechanism of entering the service was the same - commendation.

Procedure is already embedded in the tribal system when boys passed through the ceremony of symbolical death and into a friendly phratry as the future members of its male part and husbands for women of a friendly family. It was not a slave trade, but already here the commendated person was not free in the destiny choice: there was an arrangement of phratries, and it was kept. So if the tribe got into debt and they all passed under creditor’s family control that was continuation of a usual and lawful tradition. There is also a mix described in the Bible: to receive his wife, the guy worked for her father for some years. Why not for her mother? That is because the lawful managing director was the father. In tribal relations, it was the same: it did not mean that boys would receive wives just immediately after their shift to the male order.

Only boys passed through the ceremony, therefore there are a lot of evidences about collective initiations of boys, but not girls. Thus, the marriageable boys could not stay in their family. This was a functional requirement: the man could not be tear apart for two houses, so he was released from anxiety for his mother’s family. If to accept that meaning of the terms attributed to the Ancient Rome period, all men without any exception were slaves, and now it is clear that this meaning is incorrect.

A male order could also accept a stranger: the symbolical death breaks the bounds the family without an exception, the person is pure from the past and after a dedication ceremony became the member of the order. Therefore, between the creditor (the so-called slaveholder) and a debtor-tribe (slaves) there were no barriers; they became a united ancient Roman family. Later the same occurred with the feudal lord and the subordinate peasants. The community was commendated to the feudal lord, but it recommendated as well - in the same way it could be shifted into other hands or even the community’s debt might be sold. Therefore, people-trading illusion appears.

The right recommendation of a person is as natural, as well as the right of transfer of the debt to the third party. Therefore, a large creditor who had bought the debts of the region has the right to put his people to rule the communities. Surely, he put someone of his relatives. Therefore, Mamelukes-Circassians appeared in Egypt. Yes, they recommendated - the same as and "resold" ancient Roman "slaves", yes, they are equally not free in their destiny choice, but they are not slaves. The position of Mameluke in Egypt is similar to the position of the member of the Komsomol who arrived to master the Virgin lands under the permission of the city committee of the Leninist Communist Youth League. Depending on the local situation, he can be appoint either the director of new state farm, or a tractor driver, without asking his opinion, - the main adreement is already arranged in the city committee which had directed the member of the Komsomol.

There was no money in the modern sense of the word for a long period. There were tokens - coinlike counters granting the right to some consignment of goods, for example, of salt. But the most mass currency was work. In fairy tales, the obliged relations are often paid by work: walk to the other end of the world, bring a feather of the Firebird, get the Alenkiy Flower, sift three sacks of poppy seeds etc. The so-called slaveholding relations should look like that.

Such position remains up to 1848-1883, - until 85-95 % of economy (agricultural industry) was not monetized. The seigneur could say to his vassals: each of you send me 100 peasants with their food for two weeks. And the channel was dug out for one winter. Accordingly, usurious schemes in such society look unusually: I gave you 300 soldiers to solve problems with the neighbor, and you must give me 3000 peasants for construction of barns and a mooring. And it is bound with oaths on fidelity, kisses and other ceremonies in the Cosa Nostra style.

At this stage the main means of payment was work, and the capital developed through work alienation, - not results of that work (it would be later), but work as it was. Thus, the property right to other people work was not identical to property right to the person’s life. Obviously, the property right to the person’s life lacked economic sense, - well … except for the need in the person’s bodies.

Nowadays some hundreds primitive communities have entered into capitalism, and in nowhere slaveholding has become an economy support; it could happen as an ethnocultural incident, but it is an absolutely empty idea in the economic sense. Even in Mauritania, where now there are about 700 thousand slaves which have got into this position because of old unpaid debts, a person is not another person's property. His/her work is the property, but he/she is not a thing. The reason is simple: first of all, the person is naturally a subject living in the contractual environment which he/she creates. To exclude the unique subject of the contractual environment from this constantly created environment is unsolvable task.

24. Chronological shifts: Catherine's shift and 59-year-old one.
25. The Roman numeration - a key to the chronology secret.
27. Lacuna
28. Lacuna

Saturday, 24 August 2019

The Salic Right

Andrew Stepanenko
July 04, 2019 <>

Translated by Berenkova Violetta Michailovna

The description of tribal life usually specifies that the property is collective, but it concerns only capital fund - the lands and cattle; there is also some property that is inherited in the family on the mother’s side. The wife does not inherit from the husband, as the husband and the wife are not blood relatives. This rule is in force in Europe even now: the outlived spouse does not enter one of parantela (this term has remained in the European right as well) and is strictly restrained in his right of inheritance. The outlived spouse has often only the right of lifelong property using of the died spouse.
The father’s guardianship over his children is not provided, however the father has the right to manage the property of his wife and children. This model was described by Engels in the antique Greek society: children belong to the mother’s family, and the father is only the managing regent. In this model the man possesses the power, the right to manage, and the woman owns the property, has the right to own. According to this legal ground in 1732 Charles Albrecht, Prince Elector of Bavaria and Friedrich August, Prince Elector of Saxony had a claim on a part of the Habsburgers’ lands on behalf of their wives, Joseph I Habsburger's daughters, to be exact, on behalf of his wife’s daughters. According to the Salic right, this claim is legally faultless, but the Habsburgers changed the Salic right by means of the Pragmatical Sanction, and claims of his sons-in-law lost the legal ground.
The royal court has no power to solve Salic family’s disputes; however, all courts of that epoch were arranged in a single tribal structure: the senior relatives judged the younger ones. In Europe, similar patrimonial courts were mostly cancelled only in 1848-1849. For this reason, the state judicial system and systems of punishment execution got full development only since the middle of 19 century.

Russian peasants trampled a horsestealer with all village, including small children, in order the entire community could go to the deportation. It is modified vendetta when all family is responsible to the criminal’s family for some adequate revenge. However, it is clear that the penalty for murder makes the mind clear better than murder, and the risks are lower. That is, when the Salic right imposes large, very impossible for one-person penalties for murder, it is a really clever idea.
“The insolvent murderer … can involve … relatives in payment of the missing sum... If … relatives do not pay debts … all friends and acquaintances of the debtor have an opportunity to buy out the criminal”, - so is written in Salic truth. Relatives cannot refuse this requirement of a joint liability: if the family were not able to expel him in time, it is necessary to pay for their relative.
There is also a different situation. If a person wants to release himself/herslf from the risks connected with the joint liability for high penalties, imposed on the family members, he/she can cease belonging to the family with the rite of renunciation of the family. The similar termination of the joint liability happens with the boy at the moment of symbolical death before his marriage. Sometimes he even loses the right to visit his paternal home, instead of bearing the joint liability with his parents at the suit.
Here it is necessary to mention Malinalli’s exile – Hernan Cortes’s Aztec princesses and spouse - from her family. It deprived her son with Hernan Cortes of the dynastic rights, and Cortes himself – of the rights to become the reigning regent with the son.

Accepting joint liability happens much more often than refusal of it - usually via fraternization or adoption.

In Europe this theme is heavily flooded with the story about Caritas Romana (the Roman Charity) when the daughter secretly picks her way to a prison and breastfeeds her father who was sentenced to death through starvation. In practice, the sense of the story is not in starvation.

The fact that the man got into prison means that his own family had broken with him in order not to bear solidary responsibility with him. In such situation, he would be extradition to the claimant family and, probably, death. Therefore, when the daughter fed her father with her breast, he immediately became her nursing son and acquired with it the legal right to solidary responsibility and to the redemption as well. If it was a question of payment of the penalty for the murder, and she possessed necessary some of money, she really salvaged him – stage-by-stage and legally correctly.

Personalities of the well-known women-pirates specify that concept “coastal brotherhood” was not a meaningless phrase, and pirates really passed through the rite of adoption by the named mother of the brotherhood. The function of the piracy queen was not rushing around on the deck with a sabre and bare breast; she provided legal unity of the ill-matched family.

The list of "bad customs” of the feudalism, described the pre-revolutionary historian V.K. Piskorski included aria - the penalty in case of fire in the peasant’s farm. However, the similar word denoted another mentioned custom when seigneurs forced peasants to nurse their children that caused protests. Historians of XIX century argued on the meaning of this term, but now it means the penalty for fire (according to "the Feudal society" by Mark Block).
The main question is: why were the peasants, easily nursing puppies and pigs, so indignant? The answer is clear: whoever who was fed with the woman’s breast five times, became her child, and she became his/his mother. Her husband became the father of the child, and everyone who was also nursed by this woman, became his/her brother or the sister (radaa'ah).
If a seigneur took the power over a community not according to rules, in such case the compulsion of village elder’s wife to breastfeeding of the new seigneur’s son changed his status: the aggressor became the relative, and it was is already impossible to get rid of him with murder or something of the kind.
The feudal system continually demanded similar "family" ceremonies. The secret land trade generated rather ridiculous situations: a powerful seigneur, buying the land of any minor nobleman, was forced to pay homage to him and to become his vassal “with hands and mouth”. Arsia had absolutely the same message.

Emperor Heraclius (son) was definitely adopted by the spouse of his father to get a higher status and to acquire the formal right to dynastic marriage with Fabia-Eudoxia, and so, to the Byzantine throne. In the tradition of that epoch Heraclius was certainly breastfed for this purpose.
Here is a historical fact: “Wei Zhongxian was a favorite at the beginning of XVII century. Has took the power thanks to his relationship with the imperial wet nurse” (Vladimir Ivanovich Semanov “From the life of Empress Cixi”). That fact, that the wet nurse was the nursing mother of the former emperor and became a springboard for the following one, is clear: she was also a noble lady who provided the admission upward to the power. She had imperial blood.
Maria Feodorovna Nagaya was the tsarina and the last wife of Ivan IV. On July 18, 1605 was her solemn entrance into Moscow where she identified False Dmitriy I  as her son. Taking the mentioned above into consideration, only at that moment False Dmitriy I, who had actually won the battle by that time, legitimized his dynastic rights.

The situation with Konstantin, Catherine II’s grandson is interesting. This name was untypical in the Romanovs’ dynasty, but ordinary among the Byzantine emperors. Konstantin learnt the Greek language, he was brought up as the successor of the throne of the revived Byzantine monarchy. He was nursed with the “Greek wet nurse”.
In such situation it is necessary to know precisely, how noble Konstantin’s “Greek wet nurse” was. Three-five breast feedings were enough to make the magic rite of adoption legal, and Konstantin found the second mother, obviously possessing the dynastic rights to the lands which were under the Ottoman dynasty’s control.
And here it is necessary to consider that at that time nursing children were not considered as successors in Islam any more. Moslems abolished that traditional, but extremely dangerous legal norm in the politics, but it still existed in Europe. Nowadays in Europe ledally adopted children possess all legal rights. Thus, Catherine II got involved in a situation when the Christian countries would accept the capture of the Ottoman territories as totally legal, and the Islam countries – as totally lawless. In 1831 at the pick of the so-called "Polish revolt" Konstantin and his wife (which mother’s side is not mentioned by the historians), died, and the matter ended.

Regarding Islam countries this magic procedure of adoption is used directly even nowadays: feeding by women of their daughters’ cousins allows these daughters not to cover their faces in the presence of their (that is extremely convenient in everyday life). In big peasant families, it was impossible to survive without constant labour cooperation of the families, so contacts of cousins of different sexes were inevitable. Actually, here we have not arranged, but mass resistance to prohibition on relatives communication, which is in fact necessary in practice. The rules of behavior generated in the elite harems with their constant struggle for the gender-shifted power, often have no sense in real life, and people correct these rules for improvement of their relations.

Now we will consider difficult, hardly understood points of common law.

The following two rights come to mind at once: the right to the first night with the subordinates’ brides and mainmort, that is, the right to take anything from the subordinate’s inheritance. The right of the seigneur to the first-born (he is often the baby’s father as well) is less known. Hypotheses about an essence of these rights are usual mixed up on sex and tyranny ideas; however, they are logic development of family norms. The Kazakhs used to give the first-born baby to the grandfather and the grandma for bringing-up, and it was a family tradition, not seigneurial one.
It is possible to assume that it was based on the right of seniors to a share in all that the youngers had got: if you were younger and received something valuable you should share it with seniors. Therefore and the first wineglass is sometimes poured out, it is a victim act to ancestors. When the tribal top began the self-isolation process, they began to lose the moral rights to such things: the formal right to a part from the inheritance was available, but the community did not recognize the moral seigneur right any more. But there is something much more important in the sources of the rights of the seigneur: the demographic policy of the community.

In the Internet there is a videoclip about a pagan monastery somewhere in Africa. Young maidens of the tribe reaching maturity age all get into this monastery. There they stay under the vigilant control of the shaman, work in the field, make ritual copulation with a wooden imitation of a phallus of the local deity and ask the Harvest God to send harvest to their tribe.
The reason of creation of that structure is hunger. The primitive agricultural industry is extremely vulnerable, sometimes low harvest period lasts for 2-3 years. In such situation the control of birth rate is question number 1. Each pregnant woman not only eats enough for two people, not all work is suitable for her. In other communities, there is a necessity to murder children and otherwise, children die, because their growing organisms are incapable to survive on roots and orach. So, the most obvious method to resist to undesirable conceptions is to stop marriages while the situation with harvest is not stabilized. It was widely practiced in Russian villages: marriages were contracted only at the crop period and if the crop was bad, the wedding was postpone for a year under that plausible excuse that the13-15-year-old bride was not mature enough. It is clear, why the girl of the mentioned above tribe pray to the Harvest God, and you may be sure that they pray sincerely. It is required to wait for some weather "window" during which the tribe will manage to make food reserve for 3-5 years at least.
In Tibet, where the crop is chronically poor, to escape starvation, they have created the practice of murder of newborn girls and the tradition of polyandry when one lying-in woman is necessary to have 3-4 supporters. In Africa and Europe they used to create female monasteries: women worked, but did not give birth. In case of productivity growth, novices returned to the world, but if hunger was severe, the most senior women took the veil just because there were no grooms for their age group.

In the Third World countries, ritual defloration is performed by either the chief, or a priest (it is still in practice nowadays). In Egypt till the middle of 19 century the bride was deflowered by a priest in public with a finger wrapped up in a pure handkerchief. The deflorator role in such situation was as follows: to make sure that the rules are not broken, and nobody touched the girls. If the girl was not a virgin, it was necessary to conduct investigation and to punish the guilty. The community could not afford luxury of forgiving such offences. Those traditions which seem to modern "righteous people" who have never starved and, especially, haven ever been in a crucial situation, as the enforced program of ethics, was actually natural peasant miserliness; it appeared as the result of hunger fear which had been developing in people for centuries. Nobody likes to bury children. The community preferred to teach a severe lesson that teenager who could not cope with his sexual frustration.
The same sense had public demonstration of a bed-sheet, and the same sense was in the right to permit or not to permit weddings, inherited by landowners from the tribal society system. In Russia there were regions where landowners did not permit the wedding for years due to mortgage taken in the bank; otherwise all profit would be spent on prevention of the hunger disaster in the controlled communities, instead of paying the mortgage.
The seigneur in Europe had the same role: the seigneur was responsible or survival of the whole villages, that is why when the young man redeemed his seigneur’s right of the first night for a great sum of money, he actually compensated his seigneur the losses of the forthcoming period of pregnancy and feeding of his future spouse.
The last legal case when a nobleman was punished for using the right of the first night in Russia was in 1875. When peasants began to purchase their lands, external adjustment of the birth rate became legally impossible, and just at that time the beginning of struggle against “illegitimate births” started. Google Ngram Viewer shows the first mention of the word "illegitimate" in 1820 and the peak was in 1877, just around the year of the last legal case for using the seigneur’s right. The problem became really acute.
According to the date of the earliest mention about snokhachestvo (1875), it as a phenomenon appeared in Russia synchronously with the legal compulsion of landowners to disclaimer of the seigneur’s right. So socially necessary functions of controllers simply moved to a step lower - to peasant patriarchs.
A French saying “to take the bride to a monastery” (for defloration by monks) in still in use nowadays. Of course, it was not fornication, but obviously accessible method to regulate the birth rate in the Middle Ages. As a result, the first-born children were very often taken to the same monastery – according to a severe country principle: the one, who made the child, had to feed him.
If defloration was performed by a secular person, for example, the Pharaoh or the Sultan, the right to the first-borns (and obligation to accept them) passed to them. Circumstances specify that at least a part of the “blood tax” (devshirme and, probably, yasyri) were such cases: boys were given to the blood fathers, providing to their offspring satisfiable career in public service. From this point of view, the Egyptian priests using a finger and a handkerchief were the cleverest ones: the social role was performed, and it was not necessary to keep a casually conceived bastard for the rest of life.

The term "prostitution" is treated as “to expose to shame”, however the exact definition is different – “to put ahead”. The word is related to the same multicompound term "constitution" where the meaning "ahead” is reasonable, and the meaning "shame" is basically impossible. Antique temples carried out the same socially significant role, as medieval ones: gave out to the future lying-in woman the marriage permission.

In the light of told above the appreciable part of rites of the past lose their obscenity aura. They were not about sex, but were some survival strategy. At some moment, these roots of these customs were forgotten, and in mind, there is only an obscene picture which cannot be taught to teenagers at schools. Thus, unlike this obscene picture, it is possible to teach the original picture of the past: a pregnant student at school is still a problem - for the same original reasons.

24. Chronological shifts: Catherine's shift and 59-year-old one.
25. The Roman numeration - a key to the chronology secret.
27. Lacuna
28. Lacuna

Saturday, 17 August 2019

Parantelas and Phratries

Andrew Stepanenko
May 30, 2019 <>

Translated by Berenkova Violetta Michailovna

Let's consider the common features of the society in the past.

Parantela is a group of blood relatives united by the general ancestors. Children of one mother, despite of the age difference, are equal among themselves, already because are all equally subordinated to their mother. It is the first parantela, and its members remain legally equal, when they grow up.
The children of the first parantela are the second parantela. The members of the second parantela are equal, and in relation to the first one, they occupy the subordinated position. Further, there are great-grandsons of the common original mother - the third parantela, further great-great-grandsons - the fourth one … and so it goes on approximately to the sixth-seventh.
As women give birth until their old age, every parantela finally collects all age categories - from old men to babies. They are not equal in the division of labour, but they are all subordinated to the senior parantela in their rights level. The same situation is in the modern legislation: in the inheritance question, senior parantelas have considerable advantage before the younger ones. Inside one parantela all inheritance shares are identical.
The right to a certain share in the inheritance for the parantela members directly means the right to the further management of this property share. That is, even now the position of the person in the generation hierarchy predetermines his/her property rights. It is direct inheritance of the tribal way of life norms, and there were no other sources of the property rights accepting in the tribe.

For the lack of contraceptives, the members of younger parantelas are more numerous than the members of the senior one; that is why all usual workload is mainly shouldered by the youngers. Senior parantelas owing to the existing predominating (parental) position are engaged in the account, control and general management work. The top position is occupied with alive progenitors, often idolised: so it was in Ancient Rome, as well as in China: in the beginning of 20 century, Empress Dowager Cixi had a title of the divine ancestor, and it seemed to please her a lot.

When a senior Parantela is mostly dead, its dominating role is occupied with the following one. At the moment of the power shift each Parantela moves a rank higher, receives the following, more prestigious rank of duties, and each of them understands that once they will reach to the very top. The risks of mutiny against seniors parantelas are regarded by bottoms as excessive; to wait for their hour seems more reliable.
For such order of management even full destruction of leaders is not dangerous to a tribe, - hierarchical relations penetrate through the society as mycelium through the soil, and the tribe does not split and quickly fills in all free vacancies.
Sometimes the leaving of the last alive representatives of the most senior parantela is hastened. The relic remainder of it is perhaps suffocation of lived to a great age old men by a pillow under their "voluntary" consent. Some evidences show that the governor leaving his post in archaic Rome used to be sacrificed to the gods.

The exact analogue of division into parantelas has organically developed in the Soviet Army. Any greenhorn knew that the type of work and number of privileges would change for the better every half a year, and, having passed all steps, he would become the old-timer and his sphere would be general management. This system is somehow extremely fair: everyone bears burdens and enjoys all pleasures of all social ranks, and, in identical time limits. It is primitive communism. Destroying levelling is absent, and equal shares of work and compensation are the result.

More remote analogue of parantela division is fixed in Japan: corporations guaranteed to the workers continuous career growth in a certain time slot. We do not know, how long this system was held on, but its roots definitely are in historically recent tribal structure of Japan.

In the Soviet Army, the ceremony was clear. On the Day of the Order each call-up rose a rank higher, but at first everyone should get as much blows with a metal plate (the variants: a canteen scoop or a stool) on the buttocks, as many months it is left to serve. During the procedure it was required to keep silence, otherwise the magic act of rank shift was not counted. Accent on buttocks was an obvious homage sign.

The same procedure must have happened in the past. A good analogue of "the scoop" status shift with the hit by a scoop on buttocks was the hit by a sword on a shoulder in the knighting procedure. However, the best analogue of “the Day of the Order» we consider the Olympic Games, ideal just at the stage of power shift. The argument is as follows: the competition of governors of the period of archaic Rome in running. The young applicant usually won and publicly sacrificed the previous ruler. And each parantela solemnly moved up to the following rank. Sacrificing of losers following the results of competition at the stadium was also typical for the Aztecs.

The NOTE: Wikipedia lists a number of bullying examples, since 16 century (the Eton College), it connects it with primacies’ biological hierarchy, and however it does not see any connection with the homage and initiation rituals during the period of feudalism, antiquity and in tribal communities.

The encyclopedic meaning of the term “phratry” is rather doubtful as it means male "brotherhood", and it also concerns groups including female “sisterhood”. We will not change the meaning here, but use the shortened version: phratry it is a related group which members are connected with marriage relations with the other phratry of the tribe.

Unlike parantelas, phratry is a vertical structure. A tribe is like a chessboard: from the top to the bottom, the tribe is penetrated with phratries, passing through all horizontal parantelas. Each cell of such society can be even given the individual address, for example, “phratry 2; parantela 3”.

The number of phratries in a tribe is usually even, as marriage is a policy, and it is concluded between friendly phratries in crisscross manner: women from one phratry marry men from the other and vice versa.

Phratries as tribe cells, are totally equal, however the larger ones play a more important role. Therefore successfully giving birth women are worshiped.

Pairs of phratries compete for the position in the society, and soon there are only two strongest ones on the top. At the time of Hernan Cortes, the Aztecs had orders of the Eagle and the Jaguar, and in Byzantium during Heraclius’s reign, there were “circus parties” of the Venetoi and Prasinoi.

Exact modern analogue of phratries are associations in the Soviet Army. Some associations were definitely friendly to one another, strong unions appeared, and those unions competed for influence, simultaneously keeping fidelity to their call-up which can be seen as exact analogues tribal parantelas. Obviously, any associations operate according to the same principles.

It is very probable that taboos on relations with sisters, aunts and nieces appeared thanks to the developed contractual relations between phratries. The teenager reasonably did not encroach on those who under the contract belonged to friendly phratries, - it is extremely dangerous to break such men's contracts. And when he was given to a man order, it was already impossible to break those taboos.

Engels wrote a lot about “a group marriage”, when all women and men of a tribe were wives and husbands to each other, but this simplification is too shortened. In practice, it is a joint liability of all men and women before each other: a bachelor will not remain without supper, and a widow with her children - without a share in prey. Adultery and group sex undermine stability of relations. That is why they are not encouraged - even in the most wild tribes of Amazon.

If there is surplus of foodstuff in the region for a long time, and a man can support more than one family, they get rid of boys, and polygamy appears. If there is persistent severe hunger in the region, they get rid of girls (India, China, Tibet), and polyandry comes (the scheme is “many supporters, one lying-in woman”) as it happens in Tibet today.

The marriages are inside the parantela. If to admit marriage of a guy from parantela № 4 with a princess from parantela № 1, it will shift all guy’s relatives 3 levels higher: the family of the groom will rise level from parantela 5 to parantela 2 of the bride’s family, parantela 6 will become parantela 3, and parantela 7 – will be parantela 4. Nobody was eager to get such a shock, and it was even not fair. Exceptions, probably, happened, but these were just rare exceptions. Dislike for unequal marriage in 19 century and in earlier times may be regarded as a relic custom of this tribal organization of society.

If the family has week reputation, its guys will receive marriage offers only from elderly widows that will decrease the number of their descendants and in the long term will considerably weaken their family. Ethnographers observe this practice in Amazonia nowadays.

Research has shown that closely related marriages raise disease rate by 2-3 %. Comparing it with the general children disease rate is insignificant even now, that is, the reason for taboo on cousin marriages is different. In practice, far family marriages make a tribe stronger. Cousin marriage, in the opinion of a tribe, is a greedy and socially dangerous attempt of a family self-isolation from the society. However, in seniors parantelas, due to a small number of people of age of consent, it is more difficult to avoid cousin marriages, and such marriages are normal at the power top.

I will remind that the term "matriarchal" means maternal by origin, and, in practice; first of all, it concerns the account of relationship and inheritance shift.
The right of the groom selection is the right of the female community, and the final word - belongs to the bride. The husband comes to the house of the wife, and nothing belongs to him there, even his children. However, he is not lonely: the phratry is fool of his male relatives on the mother’s side who have married earlier.
It is necessary to remind here that shift to the other family was a taboo; nobody could leave it otherwise as via exile or funeral. Therefore, reaching adulthood, each boy passed some kind of initiation connected with psychedelics intake and physical tortures. So, if to be exact, it was his symbolical death. Once again: the rites of adulthood passage is considered by ethnographers as liminal, that is, it is connected with the world of the mortal. For this reason, the groom in Russia was called a wolf or a bear - a totem animal from the world of ancestors.
Formally, already dead young man came to an order consisting of his matrilinear relatives, who passed all that procedure earlier. They gave him a new name and eventually select him a wife in coordination with the female half of a new huge family.
Men within their phratries possess their own fixed capital: cattle, weapon, boats, but, unlike women they cannot give this fixed capital to the children as heritage - only to their nephews on the mother’s side. And it is not inheritance in the full sense of the word: the uncle has not given birth to his nephew, and after both of them leave their family, his nephew is not a member of his family any more. Somehow such strange patterns of ownership as collective property of a monastic or knight order were developed.
As husbands and wives of one phratry are not relatives to each other, they have different ancestors, different gods and different (operating in Africa nowadays) “secret societies”, in particular, the female ones. The power verticals are accordingly divided and connected in one place - in a married couple of the phratry’s heads, in the uppermost parantela. It is a direct analogue of the future monarchical family.

Concentration of the power and resources of the elite is inevitable because of some reasons. For example, top parantela has the parental natural right to give gifts to thier children. Men accept gifts from men, the woman - from women. Thus, the uppermost parantela has nobody higher them, and is not obliged to report for the lower one (their children). There appears an uncontrolled tribal elite, and this elite has free legal resources. It is necessary to underline that here we have the first systematic alienation of products of work - centuries before it was noticed by Marx.
These gifts are seldom mentioned, however in 19-20 centuries Empress Cixi accepted gifts, for example, 4 bags of pearls. Moreover, when it was time to pay the contribution following the results of the war, all payments to the foreign states passed in accounting papers as gifts. This is a clear relict custom of the tribal society arrangement where concepts "contribution" and "taxes" did not exist yet.
In the uppermost parantela sometimes included all phratries of the tribe. In Ancient Rome, all four phratries were presented judging by annual change of consuls. The hypothesis is the following: the outcome of the Olympic Games predetermined the sequence of government: the representative of the champion phratry was the first to accepted consulate, and the one who came the last - the fourth by turn.
Nevertheless, such, fair, the system of the power shift did not always develop. Descendants of those rare women, who could give birth until their elderly age, would get in top parantela as rather young people, would live longer than others, and would rule the tribe for a long time without taking into consideration others phratries. For generations there would be one or two families on the top and these families would govern without any shift. It seems that the Aztecs had only two orders from four on the top - the Eagle and the Jaguar, and only two fractions from four remained in Byzantium – the Blues and the Greens.
Top parantela is more inclined to cousin marriages as the source of concentration of the power and resources. The main point: the top parantela regulates tribe external relations, that is, trade. As the elite cannot be controlled by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, external exchange operations of the tribe give great opportunities for explosive concentration of the power.
It is necessary to underline that all described mechanisms have natural character. Yes, usurpation of the power and resources, alienation, absence of control is available, but within the tribal legal field each norm is extremely organic. Every norm was put considering the maximum coordination of all actions; so all these norms have worked, simply the coordination is reached in favour of strong and successful members at the expense of all the others. And it is not necessary to break any norm for this natural outcome.

Phratries are equal among themselves, that is why their relations are horizontal, equal in rights and comprise a network of contracts. Parantelas are unequal, as the eldest Parantela is always parental, here again there is a taboo variety: the daughter can sue neither her mother, nor her sister, nor the sister of her sister - people will not understand it and will not accept such actions. Men of the order are in the same position: everyone has passed homage and has sworn to fidelity to the elder parantelas. We will remember the Knights Templars case of Brother Pavel and Brother Stephen. Much later, the inquisitors would recognize Stephen’s right to resistance to the rigid form of homage, and the order punished him that time.
Every parantela has a court, and seniors usually do not interfere with its decisions. Here are roots of that idea that all are equal in the court. In practice, when there was a situation, unsoluble inside the parantela, the case was tried in the patrimonial court – the court of the eldest parantela which survived in Europe till the "Spring of the people" in 1848.

24. Chronological shifts: Catherine's shift and 59-year-old one.
25. The Roman numeration - a key to the chronology secret.
27. Lacuna
28. Lacuna

Friday, 16 August 2019

Matriarchy: from Vatican to Mecca

Andrew Stepanenko
July 04, 2019 <>

Translated by Berenkova Violetta Michailovna

Most legends about matriarchy are fantastic. One chronicler argued that amazons cauterized their left breast; the other one noticed that they killed men, and all of them were sure in one fact - that matriarchy means the reign of women. In practice, matriarchy is based on two principles:

1. The man and only the man rules.
2. The relationship is considered on the mother's side.

This is the basic concept.

(Sources: vsegda_tvoj; urs_sonam)

The Akan are the most part of the population of the Republics of Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. In their families, everything, including surnames and property, is inherited on the mother’s side. Governing positions traditionally belong to men, but the right to them is given through their female relatives - mothers, sisters and daughters.

The Minangkabau populate the Western Sumatra and number about 4 million people. Mother is the head of the family. All family property is given from the mother to her daughter. The family is always headed by a man, but if he is unable to cope with his duties, women displace him and choose another one on its place. At political and religious institutes are mostly governed by men.

The Garo are one of the main ethnoses of the Indian state of Meghalaya. The head of the family is a woman, this "post" is by the inherited right is given to the youngest daughter, as well as the main part of the family property. Elder sisters remain without their dowry and arrange their life themselves. The man disagrees to marry until his future wife agrees to obey to him. Official organizations are operated by men, they control the large property.

The Мосо are the people living on the territory of the Chinese provinces Yunnan and Sichuan.
The lineage is kept through the female line, family traditions are given from the senior women to younger ones, and the property is inherited in the same way. Children receive the mother’s surname. The institute of marriage is absent. Women are free in their choice of partners and do not live with them under one roof. Instead of bringing-up their own offspring, the man are engaged in upbringing of the children belonging to their mothers’ families. Policy is mostly men’s occupation.

Combining the data of the past, it is rather simple to make the list of the basically principles of matriarchy.

1. As the relationship is kept through the female line, the husband and the wife are not blood relatives
2. As the husband and the wife are not blood relatives, they are not inheritors to one another
3. For the woman her children are inheritors, and the same do for the man his brothers and sisters and children of his sisters
4. For the child the closest relative-man is the uterine brother of his mother
5. The property of husbands and wives is divided and is mutually tabooed, no one can encroach on it
6. The real estate, as a rule, is fixed to the woman: the house, the earth
7. Therefore, mothers have some inherited property for their daughters, and there is nothing left to their sons
8. The personal estate, as a rule, is fixed to the man: cattle, a cart, a boat
9. Therefore, the uncles have some inherited property for their nephews and there is nothing left to their nieces
10. As a rule, the last-born child in family becomes the inheritor
11. The senior children remain without the inheritance (dowry) and arrange their life themselves
12. Pay attention that in fairy tales big brothers (or sisters) usually hate the last-born child
13. The marriage union is sometimes fixed by some reciprocal voice: with divorce, the guilty side loses it
14. The husband runs the property of his wife, for example, ploughs her earth, but does not own it
15. it is not the wife moves to the house of her husband, but the husband - to the house of his wife, the family is located matrilocal
16. The house is run by the senior woman, therefore the main problem for the son-in-law is his mother-in-law
17. The husband comes to the earth of his wife with his cattle, and with it he leaves in case of divorce
18. If the woman is a princess, the marriage means the right to govern her people
19. A knight in fairy tales receives after his marriage the princess her half-kingdom under the law
20. The king in the past often ruled as a regent with his child
21. When the princess marries, her father usually leaves his position in favor of his son-in-law
22. In some occasions, the prince, the blood relative of the mother, becomes the king

Some features from the listed above are actual even now, even in the most developed countries of Europe. Below are some clear historical examples.

Moctezuma (Motecuhzoma II), the most known ruler of the Aztecs, accepted his throne not from his father, but from hs uncle Ahuitzotl. And, if to be clear with details, the following becomes obvious:
- Motecuhzoma II accepted the power not exactly from his uncle, but from his widow;
- Motecuhzoma II accepted the power only because managed to marry the daughter of his uncle’s widow;
- Motecuhzoma II was the brother and the nephew of his uncle’s widow, so here we see again - the female line!

When Motecuhzoma died, no one of his numerous sons pretended to the throne. The power shifted only with his daughters, as a dowry. And the supreme power was fixed to his daughter Tekuichpo .So again we see that the blood of Motecuhzoma had no importance; what was important was the fact that Tekuichpo was the daughter his most highborn wife, and moving upwards the lineage makes it clear that she was distant great-granddaughter of Ilancueitl, the foundress of the dynasty. For this reason, the following rulers were Cuitláhuac and Cuauhtémoc who married her in turn. Then this woman became the wife of smart Hernan Cortes, and his son from Tekuichpo, who was Motecuhzoma too, was the Aztec lord and the viceroy of Spain*. He signed orders, which were legal in Mexico and California. Hernan indeed became Regent with his son.

* in official history of Spain the viceroy Motecuhzoma is not mentioned, but there is some information about him in some unedited Spanish evidences

The christened Indian, Hernan Cortes’s interpreter and companion was not lucky with posthumous glory. The Spaniards, who thanks to Marina got the power over all Mexico, carefully avoided the description of the true role of this unusual "interpreter".

Bernal Dias called her "the most magnificent" woman.
Gomara named her as "girl-slave" or “our Indian interpreter”.
Cortes himself mentioned her as “the woman-interpreter, local Indian” in his second letter to Charles V.
On one hand, she was also considered as a slave for sexual pleasure of Aztec rulers, as if she was a thing presented to Cortes. And on the other – his lover, spy and adviser for Indian psychology. And even La Chingada - the greatest whore who had sold her people to Spaniards. All these colorful epithets are concealment devices of the essence of the matter.
Cortes surely had two interpreters besides Marina. Cortes had enough slaves, whores and even psychology advisers. But he could approach to the power only with the help of Marina. To begin with that Malinalli (so was her called actually) was the daughter of the captured and sacrificed main rival of Motecuhzoma II in fight for power. Moreover, in the family hierarchy Malinalli was higher than the spouse of Motecuhzoma II. Therefore, when Cortes (according to the advice of Motecuhzoma’s enemies) married her, he got the title of Malinche – which means “Malinalli’s husband” - and together with the title, he got enormous dynastic rights.
Thanks to this marriage Cortes also got total control of Mexico - from the Indians’ point of view it was absolutely legal. So princess Malinalli was neither the whore, nor the traitress, nor an ordinary interpreter, of course. Even if she would be silent as fish, all doors would open before them. Malinalli was embodied nobility herself. There was nothing more to expect from her.
Cortes, who was a notary, that is, a lawyer, immediately perceived the advantages and … historians somehow do not attract attention to that fact, but Cortes's all actions in Mexico were reduced to seizure of noble women and children. He took women in his dynastic harem, and used children as an alive board. By the way, it saved his life when he escaped from Tenochtitlan.
In the long term, Malinalli’s son from Cortes, Don Martin Cortes, would have among Aztecs the same rights, as other princes, and he would receive the status of the viceroy from the Spanish crown. But Don Martin was not lucky; the council of tribe chiefs conducted a ceremony of expulsion of his mother from the family, and Cortes gave the former queen to one of the officers, who adopted unaccomplished viceroy.
Cortes made some more attempts: has adopted one of Motecuhzoma’s daughters, got children from his other daughter, and after capital assault, captured and married the most noble princess - Tekuichpo. And Mexico obeyed - not to Cortes, but to Tekuichpo’s son from Cortes - next Motecuhzoma.

It is not a secret that before the European invasion the power in India was given on the mother’s side. Europeans successfully used the Indian mother right, - as soon as certain "pirate" John Every* had stolen the Great Mogul harem.

* "Every" (sometimes written as "Avery") - a pseudonym the Odysseus "Anybody" type; so “Every” means "Everyone". It is quite an unusual pseudonym for a pirate; they used to have more simple nicknames. Every’s flag was also unordinary: four gold chevrons on the red field. And if red color symbolizes courage and so it is quite suitable, four gold chevrons are nonsense for a pirate. Gold symbolizes the power and nobility, and chevrons reflect hierarchy among naval officers.

Several separately employed by him in America piracy ships caught Mogul’s fleet at the coast of Arabia, captured the vessel with his harem then Every married the Great Mogul Aurangzeb’s main relative and declared (according to one of versions) the beginning of a new dynasty in India.

Clearly that the Mogul got furious and started to close trading stations and to throw Englishmen into prisons so the British parliament had to pretend that all were awfully upset by the piracy evidence, and to send a well-known “ruthless pirate” William Kidd into a pursuit of the thief of the harem. Everything shows it was a setup: an elderly businessman William Kidd owning several ships wanted just to live a quiet life occupying his elective post; but he got caught on a bribe, and the authorities forced him under the threat of judicial punishment to take a role of a pirate hunter, more precisely, one pirate hunter - Every.

Kidd started up into a pursuit, moved round Africa, visited some piracy moorages and when he returned with those data that he had collected about Every, he was immediately sent to London for interrogation in the Parliament. Thus, Tori party members immediately tried to use Kidd for discredit (!) of Wig-lords. Moreover, Kidd was forced to call someone's names! He knew what he was involved in, and trying to save life, did not give any name and only wrote a letter to King Wilhelm. As a result, the papers did not appear at trial at all, and he was sentenced to the death for the murder of the officer who had arose revolt on the ship (but not for the piracy). The owner of four gold chevrons on the banner and one-time pseudonym "Every" - together with the harem - remained off-camera forever.

It seems that so in 1707 in India there appeared a new Mogul whose name was Bahadur Shah – according to this context, he was juvenile son of Aurangzeb’s relative captured in the sea and "pirate Every" who remained off-camera. There is one rather symptomatic coincidence that the British East Indian Company in India was named "Bahadur’s Company", and this Bahadur’s Company had the right to collect tax from the population. In the author’s opinion, there was only one real way to pull out such powers from hands of Great Mogul’s collectors - to become the Great Mogul himself (or his regent). It seems that "Every" became such regent for Bahadur, - as Cortes became a regent for Tekuichpo’s son.

In 1712 when the son of the stolen princess and "pirate Every" was 16 (for that time, he was considered as an adult person for 2 years), Bahadur died. However he left 4 sons (probably, from different noble mothers), and the fight for power began between clans as a result. This war was inevitable and consequent because of that in matriarchal India did not include any primogeniture and the true lord of the stolen harem - secret "Every" - could find for 14-15-yearold Bahadur such marriage parties which obviously lead to war.

The fact of normal maternal right in Byzantium is proved by almost all facts. Here is the main evidence: custom to geld noble princes. At those times, chroniclers named it differently: “to cut off a nose”, for example, but after digging up other sources the nose turns into other part of the body. We will try to explain the reasons for that.
As family and tribe traditions approve relationship on the mother's side, the best way to come to the power was to marry a noble woman. The country was actually her this dowry. And the best way to keep the power was to make her a child. After that the wife could be banished into a monastery or one could help her to die because of puerperal fever, and her husband as the father of the baby could easily become a regent with the royal (on the mother’s side) child till his/her adulthood. However if the prince-baby was a castrate he was nobody. And his regent was nobody too. Therefore, all revolutions began with seizure of noble women and castrations of their sons.
So, for example, in the beginning of VII century two Heraclii, the father and the son, started revolt in Byzantium. They began it with taking the usurper Phocas’s family away consisting of three royal women. By the way, these women were really precious for Phocas, when the revolt began, he immediately hid them in the monastery Nea Metanoia. But the merchant corporation of Prasinoi pulled out tsarinas from the monastery and passed them to the Heraclii. It also became the main condition of recognition of Heraclii’s legitimate power. The situation is absolutale the same as with Cortes and Malinalli.
Tsarinas belonged to three generations: the grandmother (Epiphania), the mother (Fabia) and the daughter (Fabia too). The grandmother became the wife of Heraclius the Elder, and - attention! - there and then she became his son’s foster mother. Form that date the chroniclers started writing: “Epiphania – the mother of Emperor Heraclius”.
Heraclius the Younger married the younger women, and in May 612 one of them (by then christened as Eudoxia) gave birth to Heraclius’s son, and three months later when the kid got stronger, she died because she became absolutely useless. It is necessary to emphasize here that the tsarina’s death was a correct political action. She, being alive, was dangerous, as she could give birth to a prince from someone else. And Heraclius was the only one who had the right to this baby. As a regent he ruled those who obeyed the family of the baby’s mother.

The NOTE: there are no data on the boys born by three tsarinas before the revolt. Probably, they were gelded during the revolution. Sons of Emperor Heraclius were gelded during the following revolution (soon after his death).

The NOTE 2: John of Nikiû stated the story a bit different. Three royal women belonged to the family of Justinian - one of the previous emperors. Therefore, the marriage with one of them meant for Heraclii’s clan building relation with Justinian’s family. Probably, therefore the soldier's emperor Phocas who first captured the family and had a plan to marry one of the women, after consultations of priestly and judicial officials, refused his idea and resignedly gave all three women to the son of the eldest matron.

In encyclopedias this phenomenon reveals as so: nepotism (from an Lat. nepos, gen. case nepotis - grandson, nephew) - distribution by the Popes of the highest church positions or lands to the closest relatives. It was well spread in XV-XVI centuries. In a more comprehensive sense (modern meaning), it means favoritism.
This definition contradicts the facts and documents, because in XI century (but not in XV) Peter's throne passed to the nephew of the previous Pope. And since then it was a non-stop process - up to the beginning of XIX century. Here is the list of those Popes who were appointed by the church directly in the result of nepotism. They are 12.

Benedict IX. 1032-1044. Theophylactus, Count of Tusculum, Benedict VIII and John XIX's nephew.
Innocent III. 1198 1216. Lotario de' Conti, Count of Segni. Clement III’s nephew.
Celestine IV. 1241. Goffredo da Castiglione, Urban III’s nephew.
Alexander IV. 1254-1261. Rinaldo de' Conti, Count of Segni. Gregory IX's nephew.
Adrian V. 1276. Ottobuono de' Fieschi, Count of Lavagna. Innocent IV’s nephew.
Honorius IV. 1285-1287. Giacomo Savelli. Honorius III’s grandnephew.
Gregory XI. 1370-1378. Pierre Roger de Beaufort. Clement VI’s nephew.
Eugene IV. 1431-1447. Gabriele Condulmer. Gregory XII’s nephew.
Paul II. 1464-1471. Pietro Barbo. Eugene IV’s nephew.
Alexander VI. 1492-1503. Rodrigo de Borgia. Callixtus III’s nephew.
Pius III. 1503. Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini. Pius II’s nephew.
Leo XI. 1605. Alessandro de' Medici. Leo X’s nephew.

The complete list is much larger. We managed to find 64 Fathers (from 535 till 1799), who got their positions due to family relations, but that fact was not emphasized. And the point is not that they are someone's relatives; the matter is that the Holy Sees were inherited strictly on the mother’s side. The father delegated the power to the nephew, the son of the sister on mother. Here we see normal maternal right, as in case with Greeks, Aztecs and Moguls. This maternal right was recognised in Rome by everyone, as papal destiny was lifelong, and the nephew of the dead (and consequently already powerless) Pope could ascend the same throne only if his right was recognized by all members of the Curia.
It lasted up to Napoleon Bonaparte's intervention.

The same scheme existed in the East Assyrian Church (we have not found the data on throne transfer in other Eastern Churches). The patriarchate was given only from the uncle to the nephew, without consideration of the candidate’s age, experience or, say, personal qualities. Mar Simon, for example (who decided to join the Gregorian calendar in 1964), became the patriarch when he was 12.

In July, 1796 Vsevolod Alekseevich Vsevolozhsky, being childless, bequeathed all his fortune to his nephew Vsevolod Andreevich Vsevolozhsky who, after death of his uncle on October, 6th, 1796, became the owner of all inheritance of Vsevolod Alekseevich.
In history, the number of cases when the nephew inherited from his uncle, instead of his father, is critically great and is usually explained with childlessness. However, considering that the Vsevolozhskys belong to the Rurik family, it is impossible to exclude the fact that Vsevolod Alekseevich was a castrate – as the last castrates in Europe lived up to 1860.

The maternal right also results in the so-called “pornocracy”, the huge power of women over Popes. Here is a short list of the Popes openly depending on their “female popes” (in practice, all of them depended on their sisters, aunts or mothers).

Lando. 913-914. He was put on the papal throne by Theodora the Elder.
John X. 914-928. He was put on the papal throne by Theodora the Elder.
Leo VI. 928. He was put on the papal throne by Marozia.
Stephen VII (VIII), 928-931. He was put on the papal throne by Marozia.
John XI. 931-936. Marozia and Pope Sergius III’s son.
Innocent X. 1644-1655. Ruled the Church together with his sister Olimpia Maidalchini.

Such situation could not be in the society based on the paternal right principles. Any "family tyranny" would mean near the Pope neither his sister or mother, but his father or elder brother. It turns out that churches lived and delegated the power by the maternal right long enough – up to XIX (the Roman Catholics), and even till the end of XX (the Assyrian) centuries.

The NOTE: Repeatedly described ceremony of palpation check of the future Pope having male testes could occur only due to historical memory of Popes- castrates and later ban of tradition to appoint female Popes. The support to this thesis is the case with as though mythological Pope Joan who pretended to be a man.
In our opinion, John could give herself out to be not a man but a castrate. Yes, and celibacy in the Catholic church could be legalized as the sign of the castrates’ caste lobby. Moreover, castrates, as well as harems were a relict residual of the matriarchal way of the power concentration. We will shown now, why.

The Prophet Muhammad had 12 wives.

Name and age at marriage, Muhammad’s age, years of marriage, number of children
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, 40 years old, Muhammad was 25 years old, 25 years of marriage, 7 or 8 children
Sawda bint Zamʿa, from 55 till 65 years old, Muhammad was 50 years old
Aisha Banu Taim, from 6 till 20 years old, Muhammad was 53 years old, 50 years of marriage
Hafsa bint Umar, 20 years old, Muhammad was 54 years old, 8 years of marriage
Zaynab bint Khuzayma Banu Hilal, 3-8 months of marriage, died
Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayya Banu Makhzum, 29 years old, Muhammad was 55 years old, 7 years of marriage
Zaynab bint Jahsh Banu Asad, 35 years old, Muhammad was 56-58 years old, 4-6 years of marriage
Juwayriyya bint al-Harith, 20 years old, Muhammad was 57 years old, 5 years of marriage
Ramlah binte Abi-Sufyan Umm Habibah, from 24 till 34 years old, Muhammad was 59-61 years old, 1-3 years of marriage
Safiyya bint Huyayy Banu Nadir, 17 years old, Muhammad was 61 years old, 3-5 years of marriage
Maymuna bint al-Harith Banu Hashim (Sahaba), 36 years old, Muhammad was 60 years old, 3 years of marriage
Maria al-Qibtiyya, 20 years old, Muhammad was 58 years old, 4 years of marriage, gave birth to the son Ibrahim

Khadijah seven children had with Muhammad. Their names were al-Kasim, at-Tahir, at-Tajjib, Zajnab, Rukajja, Umm Kulsum and Fatima (according to the Sunnite, there was also the eighth child - son Abdulla). All boys (and only boys) died in the early childhood. All girls lived till the beginning of the prophetical mission, took Islam, moved from Mecca to Medina and died before Muhammad’s death. Фатима died six months later after the death of her father.
The Christian Maria of Greek-Egyptian origin had from Muhammad one son Ibrahim. He, as well as other boys, died in infancy. By tacit agreement, it is supposed that Muhammad had no more children from other ten wives.
And what did actually happen?

Sawda married the Prophet in her ripe old age, and, perhaps, she must be excluded from the number of potential women in childbirth. However, elementary calculation shows that other nine wives of the Prophet could easily give birth from 15 to 25 children during their marriage period. Moreover, some wives had an honorary title meaning the child birth, for example, Umm Salama and Umm Habibah.
Indeed, for the most Muhammad’s wives he was not the first husband, that is, they could receive the title before marriage with the Prophet. But Aisha who married as an absolutely young girl could give birth to a child only in marriage with the Prophet, and Muhammad named her Umm Abdallah, that is literally translated as Abdallaha’s Mother and means that Aisha gave birth of the son to her husband. However, no data on this Muhammad’s son are found, as though Aisha gave birth to nobody. However, even if we not consider all five listed above women, there are seven more. After all, were they all sterile? Muhammad was definitely not sterile. Seven (according to the Sunnite - eight) children with Khadijah and one with Maria (one of the last wives) clearly prove the Prophet’s virile well-being. However, children are absent.
Let's ask themselves a question - why data on children of Muhammad from Khadijah, Maria and - presumably from Aisha were preserved. The answer is simple: in all three cases it was impossible to vanish the data on children. Ibrahim was a noble Egyptian Copt on the mother's side so, he was repeatedly mentioned in the Coptic annals. Aisha also had “information background” - in the person of Negus Ethiopian chromatists, and children from Khadijah were born, when their father had not become the conventional leader yet, and there were a lot of household data left about them, so it was impossible to vanish them to the end.
There are absolutely no data on those children of the Prophet who were absolute Arabians and Moslems, that is, they had no annalistic history abroad and, in fact, could apply for natural inheritance of their father’s deed. Well, winners write the history, and children of the Prophet, as the results show, have lost.
The winner in this fight is Ali’s family – Fatima’s husband, who suddenly died after her father’s death. Here we have a classical matriarchal model of coming to the power: marriage with a noble woman, a birth of her children (girls are more desirable) and her death when she is not needed anymore. The widower becomes the regent with his children and the only lord over their tribes.
The question, why girls are more desirable as children, is natural. The answer is easy: the regent can give his daughter to the relative under his control and continue his ruling for two more decades, but he should give his power his son. Muhammad also tried to stop this out-of-date practice and … won everywhere, except his own family.

The NOTE: It is strange, but among children of Ali and Fatima we can see Zajnab and Umm-Kulsum in succession, that is, Ali’s children are namesakes of the 4th and 6th children of Muhammad. In my opinion, Ali could easily adopt the Prophet’s daughters. It would give him paternal power over them - with all legal consequences.

And here are three citations from the article of a historian Alexander Victorovich Koptev “The Legal mechanism of the imperial power transfer in archaic Rome and sacral functions the celer tribune”.

According to the tradition the Roman emperors acted as a husband of the daughter of his predecessor (Numa - the husband of Titus Tatius’s daughter, Servius Tullius – of Lucius Tarquinius Priscus’s daughter, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus – of  Servius Tullius’s daughter), or as a son of the emperor’s daughter (Romulus - the son of Numitor’s daughter, Ancus Marcius - Numa Pompilius’s daughter, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus – Lucumo’s daughter in Etruria, Servius Tullius - Ocrisia from Corniculum) or, that means the same, as a emperor’s grandson (Tullus Hostilius, Romulus’s grandson = Hostilia, Tarquinius Superbus - Prisca).
The bearer of royalty were the women of the emperors’ families whose husbands became the owners of the imperial title by the right of marriage with them. Traditionally it is Lavinia, Ilia (Rhea Silvia), Tatia, Hersilia , Pompilia, Egeria, Tarquinia, Tullia, Lucretia. In the ceremony of "sacred" marriage the tsar and the tsarina represented the main deities of their community. Their children of "divine origin” could not aspire to an imperial title in their community, but were desired grooms for emperors’ daughters of other "cities" of Latium. Sacral union of “30 cities”, apparently, bound all royal families into a single system of potential marriage partners.
The bearer of the royal title became either the tsar’s son-in-law, who was simultaneously his nephew, or the tsar’s grandson, who was his daughter’s son, whose husband was the tsar in other "city".

We see in Ancient Rome the same model of coming to power, as in Mexico, Arabia, India and Byzantium.

The legal doctrine Partus sequitur ventrem was a part of the colonial law which was taken in Virginia in 1662, and soon in other colonies. The doctrine said: “All children born in this country, should be considered in slavery or free only according to the status of the mother...” Doctrine Partus sequitur ventrem (the literal translation: that which is brought forth follows the belly) directly followed from the Roman civil law and totally dominated in colonies.

John III the Peaceful (von der Mark) married Maria von Jülich-Berg, the daughter and the inheritor of Duke William IV von Jülich-Berg in 1509. After his father-in-law’s death in 1511, he became a regent with the wife, and accepted the title of Duke von Jülich-Berg.

Nicolas Gerard Victor Grunitzky was the president of Togo in 1963 - 1967. The son of the retired German officer and the African princess Elisabeth Sossime Adjonou from Amegashi royal family. Its predecessor Sylvanus Olympio was the son of the Brazilian slave trader and the princess of the Yoruba people.

Polygamy has deep practical sense in the conditions of matriarchy. The more wives one has, the more dowry (lands and people) the polygamist controls.
The Tale of Bygone Years: “Vladimir was obsessed with lust, and he had wives […], and 300 concubines in Vyshgorod, 300 in Belgorod and 200 in Berestov …”.
August II from Meissen, as they write, had 80 "mistresses".
Philipp, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse had two official wives.
Emperors Charles the Great, Lothar and Pepin had several wives.
On July, 23rd, 1534 The city of Muenster proclaimed polygamy as the best form of marriage.
And here is Phillip II's family, the king of Spanish and Portuguese.

1st wife: Maria de Avis. She married when she was 16, had a baby at the age of 18, died in 2 days.
2nd wife: Maria I Tudor. She married when she was 38, had a baby at the age of 39, died when she was 42.
3rd wife: Elizabeth Valois. She married when she was 14, had a baby at the age of 21, died when she was 23.
4th wife: Anna Habsburg. She married when she was 21, had a baby at the age of 22, died when she was31.

Early death rate is a norm of political life. The child is given to a wet nurse, and his mother is helped to die or enter a monastery. The purpose of this operation is to get children with whom the polygamist becomes a lawful regent. In Europe polygamy was regarded as not Christian practice since 1771 when inquisitions allowed to open cases on polygamists for the first time.

Oprichnina it is a part of lands of the grand duchesses, at their full and direct disposal. Oprichnina in the Moscow princedom was the land terror given to out a widow after partition of her former husband’s property. Wiki emphasizes that oprichnina was not regulated by any legislation, and it is a legal nonsense: property cannot exist without any legal tradition.
Her we have normal matrilineal property and power transfer in notable families - in the form of dowry. When a husband dies, the dowry (indivisible in a common law) is reverted to a widow with her children. For this reason, Europe was similar to a scrappy blanket up to second half of 19 century.

Ivan the Terrible ruled at four levels:
1. The property and people belonging to his own family
2. Dowry, belonging his wives (oprichnina) - as a regent with common children
3. As the grand duke - boyars of the Moscow kingdom (without direct access to their property)
4. As the elective tsar of whole Russia - zemshchina, that is, the nobility, allied to the Moscow kingdom: Estonia, the Caucasus, the Volga region (without direct access to their property, as well)
We see that at every level tsar Ivan was not a proprietor (the private property did not exist at that time), but only the plenipotentiary managing director. In each case the proprietor is a collective - the family.

The write that the matriarchal society has developed due of disordered sexual relation (greetings to Freud), when the authentic parent is one - mum. In practice, any disorder frustrates a person - it complicates prediction. Actively advertised idea about group sex of savages is not proven. The most primitive Amazonian tribes have already got legal norms protecting their families: for seducing of someone’s wife her husband has the right to knock the seducer with a cudgel on the head. And the guilty patiently waits until he is punished.
The so-called “group marriage” is collective responsibility for women and children, instead of group sex; people are inclined to form steady pairs - let them be just for 3-4 years, but during all this time they will be steady. People feel more comfortable in such pairs.

Matriarchy has developed owing to initially different forms of responsibility. Only adults go hunting and each man is obliged to be responsible for himself. In village four people from five are children; seniors bear responsibility for them, and these seniors are woman. As a result, two types of hierarchy develop in a tribe synchronously: the business one (male type) and family one (female type). The purpose of the male type hierarchy is prey, and a person is just means for the purpose achievement. The group can lose a person while hunting and cannot return with empty hands. In the female type hierarchy, prey is only means, let it be a key one, but it is only means, and the purpose is a person (the survived offspring). Therefore, the society arranges business according to the male model, and the main social institutes - to the female one.

Despite mentioned above, the matriarchal society is in great need of the man on the top. The cause is the following: intrinsic readiness of the man to achieve the purpose, despite the means. In a situation regular (in practice, inevitable) conflicts someone is required, capable to force the most impudent guys to follow the law. Moreover, the far this man from the interests of certain families, the more effective he will work. For this reason the king is usually a stranger for the people, the foreign knight who has anyhow proved that is worthy marriage with the people’s own princess.

The exact meaning of the word "matriarchy" is "maternal by origin". A root "arch" "power" does not have the meaning “power” and in the best way to see the nature of this root is to compare the words where it is the beginning of a word: archaic, archeology, archive.

Matriarchal (in exact meaning of this word) relationship entirely predetermined the civilisation growth and development until at least 1771, and to a considerable extent - to the middle of 19 century. Distortion of matriarchal sense of historical events or excluding of this sense out of this research interferes with an establishment of the historical truth, first of all, in history of the power and assets inheritance.

24. Chronological shifts: Catherine's shift and 59-year-old one.
25. The Roman numeration - a key to the chronology secret.
27. Lacuna
28. Lacuna