Andrew Stepanenko
November 26, 2019 <>
Translated by Berenkova Violetta Michailovna
I do not touch the question of either immortality of soul in the text, or the Last Judgement, or, accordingly, personal responsibility of everyone for all harm done. This text is devoted to legal features of Christianity formation as a universal religion.
First of all, I’m going to show the general situation.
Antiquity is trading networks of several tens of the developed peoples, consisting of emporia (trading stations) and thrown over "barbarians" who were numerous thousands agricultural and cattle tribal tribes. There was certain symbioses of country and trading elite, but, in general, life of those two civilization layers crossed only at trade fairs one or two times a year. Each trading people tried to offer the unique goods, that is why conflicts between networks were little. They also traded the goods which carried out functions of universal payment equivalents - salt, nonferrous metals and medical products (opium, hashish, mercury).
Mercury compounds were powerful laxatives, diuretics and antiseptics which were forced out from the USSR pharmacology only in 1963. Thus, syphilis is sensitive to mercury and arsenic compounds, so usage of those metals compounds for the lack of other drugs was quite justified. The major medical product was opium - the only reliable anaesthetising known at that time. Preparations with cannabis successfully treated rheumatism, cholera and even tetanus, and they had no equal as antispasmodics. All these drugs (except for the mercury deposits of Almaden) were, in general, absent in the Western Europe.
Because of high expenses on the goods delivery waterways were of huge importance, and the most extended through water corridor almost entirely coincides with the route of Alexander’s the Great army - from the Danube to Persia and Tajikistan (along the Uzboi). As the Danube way was closed with the Rhine one, there appeared the unprecedented in value transport artery from Persia to Frisia. Moreover, the most powerful sources of universal payment equivalents were situated on that artery.
Kirghizia - mercury deposits
Uzbekistan - unique in scale mercury deposits on the river of Sumbar
Central Asia in general — sugar containing products
River Chu valley - cannabis derivatives
Turkey, the Armeniac Theme - plantations of the best opium in the world
Transcaucasia in general - gold mining, in particular, in Sakdrisi
Transcaucasia - oil fields
The North Caucasus - lead and silver deposits
Crimea - the supplier of salt
Transylvania - gold deposits and unique pure copper deposits
Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary - deposits of lead, silver, gold
The antique history mostly consists of the Greek-Persian wars
The greatest number of the Greek polises was concentrated around the Black Sea Coast
The appeal to the Crusade was sounded for the first time by the Pope in connection with deportation of Bayol, the representative of the Norman merchant class, from the Armeniac Theme in Byzantium (opium)
50 % of crusaders’ actions was concentrated around the corridor "Rhine-Danube"
50 % of crusaders’ actions was concentrated in their possessions of Byzantium
According to numerous evidences of the past, including direct evidences, antique Judea and Ptolemaic Egypt were situated on Alexander’s the Great route between Turkey and Tajikistan. For this reason, in modern Egypt and modern Israel there are no material traces of the Persian presence. Antique Greece, accordingly, could be present only around the Black Sea Coast. Only in Black Sea Coast region they found basic material and annalistic evidences of antique Greeks’ activity, and the Greek-Persian wars could reflect only competition for the influence at the Black Sea Coast and the Caspian Sea. Antique China could be situated only at the Caspian Sea where Persian Nestorianism was strongly developed, and in the head of the government there were Persians with the names typical for that region. I will remind here that Venetians of the 13th century floated from Persia to China by sea (definitely, it was the Caspian Sea), and Aladdin with his lamp was known as Chinese.
It is not ultra-patriotism, this is consequence of understanding of the role of water transport corridors: there, where those corridors were good, the civilisation was inclined to develop quickly. The Persia-Frisia transport artery was the best.
Territories of the modern Egypt, the Fertile Crescent and the Adriatic Sea stand level with the Persia-Frisia corridor by their historical significance, however, they have no relation neither to the Maccabees, nor the Ptolemies, the Seleucids.
Antique Jerusalem was a large logistic and warehouse centre on the way from Central Asia to the Black Sea Coast. No one extracted any lead, silver or mercury there, evaporated salt and grew opium, but this place was ideal for reconstituting the flows of the basic payment equivalents - something like the Tokyo stock exchange. Historically subordinate position of the Jews of Jerusalem specifies that other participants of the market were constantly much more stronger, and all they needed from Jews as owners of that land was dynastic marriages allowing all of them to support that union, even not desired one. And, that is important, till certain moment antique Jerusalem had not been № 1 city in the world; I’m sure that there were more powerful centres, for example, in the territories of Crimea, Romania and modern Israel and Egypt.
Transactions of dealers assumed oaths in the face of their gods, therefore, origin of temples-pantheons with tens of different deities was inevitable. There were also main deities, and it too is inevitable: unification and authoritative third parties for the solvation of constantly arising working disputes was necessary for trading. But there were no legislative grounds for their consolidation in one deity before the Christ.
Catastrophic crash created explosive demand for the medical products historically going from the southeast to the northwest. In the hazadeous situation of crop destruction after volcanic ashes drop, for example, a loaf of bread could be easily changed for a gold ring, and the requirement for salt sharply decreased. The result: the holders of those universal payment equivalents sharply lost their political weight. As for opium, cannabis and mercury everything was exactly the opposite: what the scorched wouldn't give for anaesthetising, and the poisoned for antidot. The prices drammatically increased. In that situation Jerusalem, being not the richest and strongest city, became № 1city.
In this price situation the near-Caspian Jews had a chance to create their own networks in Europe (in particular, chemist's networks). Absence in Europe of significant number of capital building of the Jewish origin and that fact that Jews were regarded as strangers, specifies that this situation lasted not for long time.
They write that Charles the Great gave everybody the order to grow poppy in France, but, in spite of good French climate, the experiment failed. The French poppy did not possess the alkaloids of the necessary quality.
Even according to my greatly conservative estimates the most dangerous displays of the Catastrophic crash lasted from 1761 to 1856 - 1895. In the traditional chronology this period is stretched for centuries, and 30 thousand historical evidences about those or other cataclysms allow to arrange about 130 complete Doomsdays. In such situation the value of medicines and, thus, the traffic from the southeast steadily increased, and finally the moment came when debts for medicines in the current prices became non-refundable. In addition, here is a trouble - titanic trading networks of Europe got formally in debt to insignificant Jerusalem.
In the tribial right intra-tribal debts are periodically remitted, otherwise it is impossible to keep the integrity of the tribe. In Russia debts were written off in the third or fourth year, in Judea - in the seventh year (though there are evidences of annual remitting), in Greece and Rome - in the fourth, it all depended on regional features. It was impossible to forgive commercial debts to the representative of the other tribe - the legal mechanism was absent, as the gods (highest authority) were different.
By rules of that time, unpaid debts meant dynastic submission of the debtors to the Jews. They had to pass relation rituals, thus, in the status of younger relatives. It was thus clear that Jerusalem had no real resources to force the debtors to keep the law, - because they were of different power levels. If to mean the sword law, Jerusalem didn’t have it.
However it was impossible to ignore debts to Jerusalem, and there were three reasons for that. Refusal to acknowledge the debts meant a paralysis of the traffic of the main medications, and participants on that traffic were numerous, not only the Jews. Someone grew up the plants, someone did fair processing, someone transported the goods, and someone protected it on the way. Even those who did nothing, and took tribute just for the right to pass their territories, were in a dale. The second reason: debts in trade form a pyramid; not all owed money to Jews, someone owed to those who were in debt, and someone – to those who lended money. It was impossible to break the obligations given to one and not to hook the interests of others. In addition, here is the third, principal cause: refusal to acknowledge the debts contradicted the law rules, that is why everyone who declared such refusal was treated as unreliable partner.
The debts had to be written off according to the law, moreover, the Jewish law. Debtors should pass formally under patronage of Jerusalem but so that, in practice, to absorb it, with the right to participation in the Jewish share of the traffic. That scheme was the only one possible; potential younger relatives were too strong, and they were too numerous to let it happen somehow differently.
Under those circumstances, Rome invaded Jerusalem. Not to cancel a titanic pyramid of debts; oaths of the third parties to each other was not that thing which could be easily cancelled or appropriated. Rome intruded into the territory of Jerusalem to participate in the main events of forthcoming legally faultless debt remission process. I can’t guess some other answer.
Jesus Maria's mother herself was conceived immaculately. In antique paganism it meant to be conceived in a temple - from a priest acting on behalf of a deity. So the variety of the Greek heroes were conceived who were considered as children of gods. I will remind that in Gallia in medieval acts of christening there was a whole series of formulations “In the name of the Father and the Daughter and the Holy Spirit”. If to remember the facts that Maria was conceived immaculately, and there was obvious cult of the Virgin in the Western Europe, it is necessary to admit that someone was baptized in the name of Maria or some other immaculately conceived Maiden.
Moreover, Maria was entered into the Temple, the Inner Sanctum, - that is, there, where it was prohibited for women to be present, and even the high priest had the right to enter there once a year, during the holiday Yom Kippur. It could specify that Maria was equal with the high priest in Judaic hierarchy, at least. However, there is one more fact: the high priest entered the Inner Sanctum to shed blood and, thus, to remove the sins from the people accumulated during a year. Virgin Maria could enter the Temple as an honorable victim. Details are not clear, but it should be kept in mind.
Yom Kippur- the Doomsday that makes it related with the English Book of the Doomsday, and through it - with St. George's day and Roman Saturnalia when enslaving slaves (strictly in one tribe) could write off all their debts. If Jesus conception took place in the day of Maria’s entering the Inner Sanctum for defloration it could be a religious rite act, which wrote off all their debts of the Jews. The maiden blood is considered one of the strongest magic means.
As the filiation was through the mother, and Maria stood not lower the high priest, Jesus most possibly, was the lawful King of the Jews. Powers of the tsar were great enough, and the act of debt forgiveness following the results of the next holiday of Yom Kippur could hardly happen without the sanction of the tsar. I will remind of obvious meaningful connection of the Greek Olympic Games, change of the power and obligatory write-off of enslaving debts in all Ancient East - in connection with the power change. I do not think that the Jews had any different scheme.
In Salic Law (it was a common law equal for almost everyone) there is certain interesting feature. I will quote.
… if … the thing has come to be in third party’s hands, its proprietor was not able to defend the right before the third party; only the one to whom the proprietor has passed this thing in due time could defend this right …
Jesus is the third party. I will explain: the repaid debts as sins pass in to category "theft", that is, the debt is a sin. Jesus takes all, without any exception, mankind sins on him. It is the initial information repeating in the articles a few dozen times from the lips of the most significant topologists. I will give three citations here.
He was ulcerated for our sins and tormented for our lawlessness; punishment of our world was on Him, and through His wounds we have recovered. (Isaiah)
The Son of Man has not come for accepting service, but to serve and give His life for expiation of many people (Mark 10, 45; also Matthew 20, 28).
The Christ has expiated us from the law oath, having become the law for us … (To the Galatians 3, 10-14):
And - it is possible - the most important.
The Christ has died for the impious ones (To the Romans 5, 6), for the sinners (To the Romans 5, 8), for enemies of the God (To the Romans 5, 10).
That is, Jesus took the sins of the enemies of the Judaic God - all those Greeks, Latins, Macedonians and Francs. Here it is possible to dispute only, whether he was the King of the Jews, that is, whether he had the right to do such acts. Judging by that before his death “a certain woman” anointed him (the title of that woman is not specified), yes, he was, yes, he had.
Becoming "the third party" who took the debts, and being formally the high-ranking official of Judea, Jesus created a new legal situation in which it became impossible for Jews to ask for the return of pagan debts. However, there was one condition: the debtors themselves had to recognize Jesus as this third party and his rights to that step. It would hardly seem the problem, but the point is that the acknowledgement of the complete status of Jesus included the acknowledgement of His heavenly origin and accepting of the New Testament given by him. Nobody who did it could not continue living basing on the old rules any more.
For the Jewish business, it meant complete loss of the most valuable assets - promissory notes of the former partners, especially in Europe. The Jews remained in debt to all, that later formed a basis for transfer of many of them into the enslaving condition. Moreover, the Christians, recognizing the King of the Jews as their highest authority, as though became the Jews themselves and acquired, at least, the right to stay on the Holy Land and to participate in the traffic.
The sanhedrim tried to condemn the apostles, but the Judaic patriarch Gamaliel defended them all. The reason: the members of a sanhedrim were legally obliged to defend the position of the families, and the patriarch – the interests of the Judaic people as a whole. Probably, in case of refusal, the patriarch was threatened with the total destruction of the Jews as the people, but it is not excluded that Gamaliel really considered such turn of events and the exit from the political deadlock as the blessing. There are steady legends that later Gamaliel accepted the Christ as the Redeemer and the Messiah, and, in general, it was a correct vision of things. The Christ is the One who he is considered to be.
It is not noticeable in the traditional chronology, but in my reconstruction of dates the reaction was immediate: pagans promptly started to accept Christianity. There appeared a situation when the Christians didn’t already owe money to anybody, and the pagans who had a debt to Christians, stayed in debt, that is why the speed of decision-making directly influenced the balance sheet. I will remind that the debts were the assets that is why the situation when to someone owes you money, and you do not, was favourable, even if it lasted not for a long time. Moreover, to stop that process of improvement of balance sheets was already impossible.
From the pagan narrow tribal position, accepting of Christianity did not change anything. The precept “not to kill” always acted in a tribe, thus, the tribe became more, got the size of Europe, the number of those whom it was impossible to kill became, had dramatically grown. It was quite good, as it gave protection to everyone. It suited merchant clans. From that point of view, there was no painful break of stereotypes.
Judging by that the organised resistance of Greeks and латинян - the most significant pagan networks in Europe - is not fixed, priests simply became priests. Clearly, what not all on it went, but so far as concerns clan vital interests as whole, such not consent clean into the account of times. And now so. The village remains pagan still long enough, is simple because has not been fastened in any way on turnover of universal payment equivalents.
The first tithe was strictly trading one and did not touch the village at all. Therefore tithe as paid with not grain or cattle, but payment equivalents; in fact, it was money. Well, as those networks united, all those equivalents came back in turnover repeatedly. The result: it did not influence commodity exchange at all, but the power in networks and between networks was shared according to the contribution.
Formally, tithe was Judaic measure, but in practice, analogues of payments above the share from incomes were in all priestly structures, so no revolution occurred. There occurred integration.
There is one more important circumstance: tithe was internal measure. Hardly the tribe started to pay tithe, the rule of regular forgiveness of debts started to extend on it. Here is the meaning of papal anniversary years when everyone who visited Rome, got forgiveness of the sins.
Orders and monasteries started to appear at once. The meaning of these structures - temporary restraint of birth rate: young growth were hold separately in the status of novices until the harvest appeared, allowing to create stocks for 3-5 years. Only in this case the young people in large quantities could come back to the world. If hunger prolonged, novices had to enter into religion; that was bad, but it was better, than to bury children who had died of hunger. I will remind that this form of the society organization is extremely ancient and is applied for this purpose in pagan tribes of Africa even now.
Sometimes boyars went to monasteries together with their peasants, and it should be understood in strictly economic sense: there was no possibilities to support constantly arising children, or somehow to share the manor between those daughters of the boyar who could appear. Therefore, the joint leaving to the monastery appeared.
Thus, the monastic form of life was strictly of church type, and leaving to a monastery meant external management of the creditor because of bankruptcy of the secular governor.
In my reconstruction, in eight years (on a traditional scale, in 400 years) Jewish nasi (patriarch) Gamaliel whether died, or was executed, and the Jewish patriarchate was liquidated, and the Jewish money began to flow into the state treasury. As this Gamaliel helped Christians to find their tombs of saints, there is a basis to think, that exactly this Gamaliel who had accepted Christianity. As posts of this kind are lifelong, with Gamaliel’s christening, the Jewish patriarchate disappeared, and Christian one appeared - in my reconstruction - next year. I’m sure that the first Christian patriarch of Jerusalem was Gamaliel. It also means that, from that point, by the will of its higher representative, Jewry ceases existence as the former uniform community.
Crusaders captured Jerusalem not at once, even in my reconstruction only in 30 years. I see only one explanation here: nobody dared to usurp the power in this city for a very long time. There could be only one reason for that: long-term contracts of merchant clans, who appeared in different faiths, but were forced to keep their word.
The Jews are unconditionally the chosen people as the Jews gave the basis for three major faiths not separated according to a tribal sign. It is also the beginning of the new civilization. If it had been the fermented herring that were the supergoods, Jesus would have been born in Norway, and the beginning of the united mankind would have started there. If silver had been the supergoods, Jesus would have been born in Slovakia; but it turned so that Europe greatly needed medicines of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, and so it happened as it was.
The most important question is: what about the will of God?
The only possible answer is: as the world - a personified category, the will of God accepts in the world quite concrete incarnations, including the form of economic and law rules.
Crisis promotes concentration of the power and integration of social mechanisms, therefore formation of world religions during that period and owing to the Catastrophic crash is quite naturally. Here again the most important thing is distinctions.
Islam in my reconstruction is generated in the fourth year after Christ. Moslems worship Jesus, but the act of a forgiveness of sins is ignored in this religion. The reason is: early Islam was not on a transport corridor from Persia to Frisia that is why the tribes which accepted Islam, were not in debts. However, Moslems have apprehended the basic historical lesson, from here and a prohibition of loan percent. Absence of debts explains also absence of conflicts with the Jews.
Wikipedia shows the map which shows that the Arians controlled all Europe to the west of the line Rhine-Danube. In practice, the Arians totally possessed also the Crimea, the Balkans, as well as Poland, Germany and even Novgorod. Moreover, the Byzantine emperor Anastasius I who was the Catholic, came from the Arian family. The general impression is: the Arians were nine of ten. What does it mean? In the narrow-minded sense, the Arians were very conveniently arranged: recognising Jesus as a tsar and a person, that is, the third party who took their debts on him, they were satisfied with it. Moreover, there was no any method to force them to change their point of view.
The Byzantines (Romans) considered Jesus as God at once, and it was based on the tradition. No one tells openly, why emperors and tsars declared themselves as gods, but the first consequence of such act is as follows: the creation of own temple network with the right to mint coins, to arrange notarial transactions and to lend interest loans. The result is: the secular power merged with the religious one, and the emperor was always well informed, who and with whom from economically active clans and about what had agreed, and what loan had got. As god, the emperor had his full right to do it. It is necessary to consider as a relic remainder of this practice the power of the Russian anointed sovereign who obliged priests to break the seal of confession and, in general, to work for the secular power.
One more important point is: the Romans quickly raised the question about the tithe for the benefit of the Church. Atheists consider church tithe as the result of greed and arbitrariness, but such arguments are the best method not to open an essence of the matter. The newspaper “The Protestant” writes that there were several tithes, and they were different. For example, 4 % from the annual income to help widows and orphans, 12 % - to the Temple, 12 more % - to levits. In addition, it is necessary to understand that it was a tax for not poor people, but for rich ones, the merchants. In no way it changed the commodity exchange between city and village; it reconstituted incomes inside the elite, resulting in concentration of the power and forming a uniform control system. This is absolutely necessary condition for arrangement of objects of general purpose: channels, roads, education system, at last.
The Christian world immediately split into two camps: the more numerous Arians who refused to accept the King of the Jews also as God that is why they did not accepted the offered form of government and not embedded into the network and the smaller part of the Christianized Jews and Romans who kept social achievements of the Jews, - just because Jesus was considered as a single unit with the Father. As a result, in several decades the Nicaeans formula gained total victory over the Arians.
It is necessary to remember that the Jews were not the dominating people so, this complexity of the social arrangement was typical for many people living on a transport corridor from Persia in Frisia. One blow of a water and soil suspension at the first stage of the Catastrophic crash, and that world disappeared, and there were only some intellectual successors of antiquity left: the Jews, the Romans, the Persians and the Greeks. Nevertheless, it categorically does not mean that these four peoples make it possible to embrace all classical antiquity; we have no idea who were the Atlantes, and they were № 1.
If to consider the Trinity not from the theosophic positions, but from the organizational ones, it seems that the Nicaeans formulation for forming of a united society is ideal. Being exotic, it does one main thing - removes possible contradictions.
Preserving of antique technologies of the society management; any alternative way led to disintegration and barbarization. Fast consolidation of the world on the over tribal basis.